Bryan Crittenton - Crittenton Consulting Group, Inc.
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Bryan Crittenton

President & CEO

For over 25 years, Bryan Crittenton has supported Government and commercial clients in the areas of project/program management, capital planning and investment control (Exhibit 300, Exhibit 53), feasibility and cost-benefit analysis,  risk management, information security, enterprise architecture, requirements traceability, systems testing, and financial systems design and development.

Mr. Crittenton obtained his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Virginia and his MBA from Virginia Tech. Prior to founding CCGI, Mr. Crittenton was Vice President of IT Operations and Vice President of Business Development for two highly successful graduated 8(a) firms.

Mr. Crittenton has extensive Management Consulting background to complement his IT industry knowledge. He is a certified Project Management Professional, as well as a certified Capital Planning Professional.  He has helped ensure compliance with a myriad of Federal directives including, JFMIP, CFO Act, OMB A-11/A-130, FEAF, GPRA, FASA, GMRA, PRA, FARA, GISRA, Clinger-Cohen Act, and the President’s Management Agenda.

While supporting the 8(a), small business community, Mr. Crittenton became well aware of the pitfalls and traps that limit long-term small business success. Of those pitfalls, the most prevalent had been the lack of focus and the misconception that a small company can be “everything to everybody”. It is this fundamental understanding that is key to keeping CCGI focused and on the right path.

Mr. Crittenton is dedicated to CCGI’s long term success and understands that this can only be achieved if the company remains committed to our mission, goals, and objectives.

Throughout the years, Mr. Crittenton has developed a strong network of technicians, management professionals, subject matter experts, and corporate partners who provide CCGI with the depth of resources, capabilities, and expertise needed to meet and exceed our customers’ needs now and well into the future.